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2 Year Old Preschool Options

Parents’ Morning Out is designed to introduce your 2-year-old toddler to a nurturing environment where he/she will develop socially, emotionally, and creatively according to his/her individual needs and talents.  Your child will be provided opportunities for free choice time, as well as teacher-directed opportunities for creative arts, music, and literacy.  Gross motor time will occur on our playground or gym, which is also an extension of classroom play. 

*Children must be 2 years old by the start of the current school year in which the child is enrolled.

PMO is also open to un-potty-trained 3-year-olds.

2 morning option: Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday

​9:05-11:25 AM

$140 per month

Teacher/student ratio is 1:6


1 morning option: Wednesday 

9:05-11:25 AM

$75 per month

Teacher/student ratio is 1:6

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